O'Driscoll Clan Gathering

A new spirit in the international O'Driscoll family owes much to the Annual O'Driscoll Clan Gathering which takes place in June each year at Baltimore and the islands. O'Driscolls from many lands attend the three day gathering where old friends and long-lost family relations meet again.
The Clan Gathering has so often been the springboard for many to go in search of their roots. The annual programme of events can include a reception where people first get to know others in the international O'Driscoll family, a lecture on some aspect of O'Driscoll heritage, a book launch, an exhibition, story-telling and singing sessions and visits to historic sites.
Today the holding of the office of O'Driscoll Chieftain is not based on historical descent. Anyone bearing the name O'Driscoll may be raised to the office and the inauguration of the new Chieftain on the final day of the Clan Gathering is always an exciting special occasion.
Programme 2018
21st – 24th June