Baltimore St Patrick's Day Parade
The 2019 Baltimore St Patrick's Day parade starts at 12.15pm on 17th March. All welcome to take part.
moreThe 2019 Baltimore St Patrick's Day parade starts at 12.15pm on 17th March. All welcome to take part.
moreAfloat magazine's WM Nixon describes the restoration of the historic 56ft ketch 'Ilen', which made her debut at the 2018 Baltimore Wooden Boat Festival.
moreRTE television's Nationwide programme visits Baltimore in its report of the West Cork Food Festival.
moreThe intriguing walk from Baltimore's historic centre to the soaring cliffs at the mouth of the harbour.
moreHosts are needed for a party of visitors from Baltimore's new twin, Marsilly near La Rochelle
moreThe Baltimore Sun's Raymond Lane savours the attractions of his city's West Cork namesake
moreThe rebuilding of the historic Falklands Islands trading ketch 'Ilen' is almost complete
moreBasking sharks, whales and dolphins make a spectacular appearance off Baltimore